Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bezi - Week 2 - "Summer is Here!"

May 25, 2015

All is well, actually everything is really really great :) 

We pray for miracles every day. And that is something that I will probably continue to pray for after my mission in order to help me to continue exercising faith in Christ. On a mission the miracle is that we find a new investigator, and maybe when I get home my miracle will be that I found my baby's long lost binky. 

Holy cow. I LOVE Sister Sotnikova. So much. I cannot say enough good about her. She has her weaknesses as we all do but she is such a hard worker and so humble and we are able to work so hard together, and it feels so good :)  I haven't laughed so much my entire mission. Honestly I kind of feel like a goofball sometimes and feel like I need to be more reverent or something but she is just so funny I can't even help it. She has a dry, witty humor and comes up with the most ridiculous senarios. I never knew that I would be able to laugh so much and connect so much with a 28 year old Russian woman. She is really my best friend. I have been praying to have more love for her, and maybe she's been praying for the same thing, because our companionship is super strong right now and we truly do love each other :) she is from Yekatinburg and when I showed her a picture of Tanner (who served his mission in Yekaterinburg) she said that she's seen him before, interesting right? She was baptized 6 years ago.

There is not a week that goes by that I don't have reflecting moments when I feel an enormous love and reverence toward my mission. I love my mission so much. 
I don't know who on earth would ever want to marry me without me being humbled by all the experiences I have had here. And I still have sooo much further to go. Proof of that is when we tried to return our vacuum today and the woman told us that it was broken and we can't return it.... I was so frustrated in that moment for not getting my way and I was so surprised at the angry feelings that I had, I haven't felt such feelings of frustration in a long time! Then I realized that I was being completely irrational and had no patience in that moment and that Heavenly Father doesn't get outraged when he doesn't get his way (when we break commandments or what not). So pretty much I had no right to be angry... interesting learning moments. Never even thought that I'd try to return a vacuum to a store in Russia anyway. I'd really like to see my mom trying to return it to be honest ;) 

Anyway all is well and I am happy and growing and LOVING the sun. It is apparently only like 80 degrees outside but it feels like 105. But honestly I don't care how hot it is... missionary work (for me) seem so much easier and more fun when its warm out and people are also a lot warmer :) Also I think that in Russia all mosquitos are born in one day or something. Because literally the night before there were no misquitos.. the next night I was eaten alive. LITERALLY 27 mosiquito bites in one night. Hallelujah that my mom provided me with $30 worth of top brand mosquito repellant. Last night it was really interesting to walk into a more forested area and watch as a herd of mosquitos tried to eat me but wouldn't touch my skin. It's like that mosquito spray makes my skin iron. I'm super grateful for it right now :) 

Our area is doing well! We've got investigators and we've been giving out lots of Books of Mormon :) 

Sister Wilson 

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