June 4, 2014
All is well,Brooklyn asked for us to edit out Saturdays' entry...
Also... I COMPLETED MY FIRST 24 HOUR FAST, and i wasn't even grumpy :):):)
The Russian speaking missionaries... like to do "challenges." They're a little goofy. But one of them is the "jello challenge" to cut jello out of a cup, set it on a plate, exhale.... then inhale the jello in one bite. SO DUMB. But entertaining. Also I guess a few weeks back a Russian elder ate 30 bananas in one day. That one is called the "banana challenge" and no one has been able to get past 10 bananas.
Also at the end of the day a random sister came up to me and stopped me and said, "hi... I just needed to thank you for calling me out on my language the other day. I really needed to clean up my language, thanks for helping me to notice." At first I didn't even remember her, but 2 days ago a girl said "shiz" in the hall and i looked at her and said, "hey, watch your languge here. you shouldn't be saying things like that at the MTC" she said sorry and looked embarrassed. When she approached me I didn't even remember her, but I am glad I opened my mouth:) D&C 11:5-8
6 Now, as you have asked, behold, I say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause ofZion.
7 Seek not for riches but for wisdom; and, behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be maderich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.
8 Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be done unto you; and, if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation.
We had an amazing devotional by a man who served his mission in Yekaterinburg Russia. Afterward we had a district meeting and there were a few things that really touched my heart.
Christ told Peter, "After you are converted (implying that he was not yet converted), strengthen thy brethren." Even Peter, who had seen miracles, who had WALKED with Christ, was not converted. Just like Laman and Lemuel after they saw an angel, continued to question God's power. Conversion does not happen by seeing miracles. That is why FAITH is so important, it is a hope for things NOT SEEN. Conversion takes place by developing faith in our hearts that the Savior can do anything, and that with his help we can bring to pass anything, even miracles.
I love it here. i love these relationship I've made, I love this kid in our district named Elder Young. He's so nerdy but in the best peter priesthood way possible. When he laughs it sounds like a little school boy's laugh. I love the MTC and walking through it on a warm summer night. I love that I get to study Russian every single day. I love that God loves ME, sister wilson! And that he is mindful of me and that I get to go to such a personal and significant place in the world. I love that somehow my bladder has shrunk to the size of a dime and my companion has to come to the bathrooom with me every half hour. I am just so happy :) Everything is good.
With love,
Sister Wilson
Our DD just opened up her volunteer calling to Samara, Russia. Any chance that you and she could make contact?